We're Engaged!

I'll admit... I never thought this day would come. As we approached our 5th year together (in January) & after lots of serious talks about how we were not on the same page about getting married.. Robert proposed to me. It was random. It wasn't extravagant or public. It was simply in the middle of a conversation while we were snuggling in bed (completely CLEAN!) on a Sunday afternoon. I had an hour or so before heading out to a movie with my best friend. A conversation ensued where I was told of fears of losing me & worries of letting me down. About guilt of a certain date, 11/11/11, approaching.. a dream date for me. I had hoped to have a wedding on that date. Honestly, I had felt melancholy about that date coming; knowing that no wedding was taking place. I held onto hope that maybe something special would happen that day. But I wasn't holding my breath. I had become resigned to the fact that perhaps this wasn't in the cards for me again.

But he surprised me more than he can ever know. Made me happier than he could ever know. I went from wondering what my place was in our family to KNOWING what it was. He gave me one of the best gifts I could ever ask for .. the chance to be called his wife.

So on 10/02/11, I said yes to becoming Robert's wife. This is has been the best year. & thus begins a new journey! Since this proposal was impromptu, we are going to pick out my engagement ring on Friday.. I am so excited!! I can't wait!


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Stuff to Do!

  • ♥ Buy engagement ring - DONE!
  • ♥ Take engagement photos
  • ♥ Pick out colors/theme - COLORS DONE!
  • ♥ Plan engagement party

About Us

Leslie is a 31 year old stay at home mama of 4 (3 on Earth, 1 in Heaven). She does community theater, organizes a non-profit while she can in the middle of taking care of a newborn baby boy. She loves all things geek, parenting, gaming, movies, writing, arts & crafts, church & karaoke.

Robert is a 36 year old school counselor. He enjoys Harry Potter, community theater, video games, cooking & Storage Wars. His first son with Leslie is in Heaven & he has a newborn son at home, along with being a step-parent to Leslie's 12 year old & 4 year old. This is a big family!

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